July 2021

Body Autonomy For Everyone

If you're like me, you'll never take anyone who claims they're all about freedom and less government intrusion seriously if they fight to restrict abortion access to people who own a uterus. Pregnancy is an extremely dangerous condition, resulting in over 800 deaths per day and even more injuries, illnesses and permanent disability, yet people act like it's a walk in the park. This is why the reaction to the coronavirus shouldn't have surprised any of us.

Stranger Sings!

Years ago my kiddo and I saw a Star Wars parody with puppets and fell in love. My kid loves to act and sing; I write. So I thought it would be brilliant for us to do a similar show but about Stranger Things! Unfortunately my kiddo, now a teen, wasn't interested, so the idea fell to the side. Now Stranger Things has been made into a musical comedy that is sure to delight fans!

Big Heart Tea

One of my favorite indie teamakers just stopped selling my favorite orange creamsicle blend, so I've been trying to find another source for my favorite flavor. As a result, I keep falling into rabbit holes, getting lost among so many wonderful-looking teamakers. Today it's Big Heart Tea.

Is This The Real Life, Is This Just Fantasy?

For those of us wondering if we're actually living in a simulation over the past few years, the last day seems to have confirmed it. A billionaire who profited off exploiting workers and a pandemic just wasted a chunk of his fortune on sending himself to space and back. Upon his return, he gave away $100 million to a chef and a CNN contributor, proving that he is willing to give his money away, but not to, you know, solve homelessness or hunger.

The Best Stickers

Like many crafters, I am a sticker lover. And like many sticker lovers, I am picky about my stickers! It's not that I'm not going to enjoy using the free stickers that come with junk mail or the ones that a loved one finds and gives me, but I'm going to light up when I find my favorites. If you're like me, you're always looking at different stickers or washi tape on Etsy, drooling over the possibilities!

Nuclear Reactors 929 - Research Progressing On Development Of Small Nuclear Reactors For Commercial Vessels - Part 1 of 2 Parts


U.S. Nautilus – first nuclear-powered vessel

Part 1 of 2 Parts
     Research into small-scale nuclear energy conversion has made advances in reactor safety with the development of sodium-cooled reactors and molten salt nuclear technology. While the technology itself is feasible, a remaining problem is the need to negotiate to gain permission to pass through several channels and ports internationally.

Nuclear Weapons 754 - Transporting Nuclear Bombs And Materials In The United States

     Nuclear material couriers (NMCs) transport nuclear bombs and other dangerous materials around the U.S. The fleet that transports these materials is operated by the Office of Secure Transportation (OST) which is part of National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). The NNSA is a semi-autonomous agency in the U.S. Department of Energy. The DoE recruits nuclear couriers year-round.
