Most people know you can buy wine by the case for a discount. Most people in fact seem to be aware that even chain grocery stores will give you a discount on as few as four bottles of wine. But once you find a wine that you really like, perhaps a wine that you'll enjoy for a long time and that will improve with age, or possibly a table wine that you like well enough to include frequently in your menu planning, the thing to do is to buy your wine by the case. Now, don't start thinking that buying by the case isn't for you, or it's too expensive. It's really quite easy, and no, it's not really expensive. In fact, if you buy wines you would buy and enjoy on a single bottle basis by the case, you'll save money, and time. This part is important, and you might not think it needs to be said, but it really does: don't buy a wine by the case unless you've tasted and know you'll like it, and that you'll like it again.